When walking, I thought
of all the legendary walkers:
of Plato wandering with his
students in his olive grove, of
Basho circling the island of Japan,
of Ben Johnson hiking to Scotland
in his grief to see his friend, William
Drummond, of Emerson and Whitman
strolling for hours across what would
be Boston Commons, and of those in
history who walked their way to a new
land. When Berlin fell, there were
women and children who walked
out of the rubble all the way to
Salzburg. Then, I stopped under
a cloud to think of those forced to
walk to their death in Germany,
Cambodia, and Rwanda. And I
kept walking and thought of those
who walk to calm their minds, and
those who walk to remember or
forget. Then, I stopped in a patch
of sun because my hips began to
burn and thought of Petrarch who
walked up Mount Ventoux with
his brother simply for the climb.
And just as I began to feel tender
and free, like I could begin again,
I just kept walking.
A Question to Walk With: Go for a walk with a friend or trusted loved one, noting how walking both outwardly and inwardly affects you. How does your perspective change when walking?
This excerpt is from my book in progress, Suchness.
You can follow Mark on Facebook and Instagram.
For more information about Mark’s books and upcoming events, visit MarkNepo.com and ThreeIntentions.com.
Information about his upcoming webinars, including Mark’s new webinar, Falling Down and Getting Up: Discovering Your Inner Resilience and Strength, that starts October 29th can be found at Live.MarkNepo.com.
This is the first official event for Mark Nepo’s new book, Falling Down and Getting Up: Discovering Your Inner Resilience and Strength (St. Martin’s Essentials, September 6, 2023). Joining Mark is his publisher and editor, Joel Fotinos. We hope you enjoy! (web link)
Nov 9–12: Santa Sabina Center, San Rafael, CA, Four-Day Retreat, Surviving Storms: Finding the Strength to Meet Adversity. (web link)
Jan 7–13, 2024: Global Journeys, Guanacaste Costa Rica, Saying Yes to Life: The One Life We’re Given — A Weeklong Retreat. (web link )
Feb 5–10, 2024: Modern Elder Academy, Baja, Mexico, Falling Down and Getting Up: Discovering Your Own Resilience and Strength (web link)
2024–2025 Yearlong Journey: 4 Weekends in Kalamazoo, MI, The One Life We’re Given: Finding the Wisdom That Waits in Your Heart (web link)