That the Universe comes through
your heart is like the sun passing
light through the eye of a needle.
It happens beyond all reasoning.
And though one feather will fall,
many together form a wing, the
way love, not kept to ourselves,
will carry us.
It is a deeper form of gravity,
that only the things that find
each other come alive.
A Question to Walk With: Tell the story of a time when you felt the Universe move through your heart. How did this effect you? Describe your journey of finding others in your life. This is from my book of poems in progress, The Tone in the Center of the Bell.
AUG 26–28: Mercy By the Sea, 167 Neck Rd, Madison CT, weekend workshop, Reclaiming Our Humanity: Being Fierce and Tender in Our Call to Love, Fri 7–9:30PM EST Sat 9:30–5:30PM EST, Sun 9:30–1230PM,( web link) — IN PERSON