The light bobs on the
small leaves, so quietly,
so thoroughly, that I can
feel its ancestor bow
along a bend in the Yangtze
River a thousand years ago.
I sense my counterpart
imagining me a thousand
years in the future.
Like two souls looking
through a window they
mistake for a mirror, we
settle back into ourselves.
The chord we strike
fills each of us with a sense
of Eternity we can’t forget.
The Earth grudgingly turns
away from the sun and the
leaves now in shade are
just leaves in shade.
But we have each seen
all the way through.
Each of us left with an
urge to be more loving.
A Question to Walk With: In conversation with a friend or loved one, discuss someone from history that you feel drawn to and why. This is from my book of poems, The Half-Life of Angels.
OCT 28–30: Harmony Hill Retreat Center, Surviving Storms: Finding the Strength to Meet Adversity, A Weekend Retreat, (web link) — IN PERSON
NOV 18–20: Shallowford Family Counseling Center, The One Life We’re Given: Finding the Wisdom That Waits in Your Heart, A Fri-Sat Retreat, Sunday Morning Service Talk, Heartwork: Being a Spirit in the World, (web link) — IN PERSON
NOV 30: California Institute of Integral Studies, FREE Live Podcast and Conversation between Mark and faculty member Cindy Shearer about Mark’s new book Surviving Storms, 5–6:30PM PST/8–9:30PM EST, ( web link) — ONLINE
For more info on Mark’s upcoming events, visit: