Before we buy tickets, before
we drive and park and fill the
theatre, the dancer all alone closes
her eyes and spins about the Axis
of the Universe with no one watch-
ing until the Dance of Time fills her
arms and her legs. Spinning slowly
like a flower opening, she starts to
glow. And all the practice from that
point on is just to bring that glow
of opening to others. Though it is
called a performance, when the
lights are low and the dance begins,
something is stirred in everyone
that keeps the world going.
A Question to Walk With: In conversation with a friend or loved one, tell the story of a time when practice gave way to a sudden, deep experience.
This is from my new book of poems, The Half-Life of Angels.
You can follow Mark on Facebook and Instagram.
For more information about Mark’s books and upcoming events, visit and
Information about Mark’s upcoming webinars, can be found at
Nov 9–12: Santa Sabina Center, San Rafael, CA, Four-Day Retreat, Surviving Storms: Finding the Strength to Meet Adversity. (web link)
Dec 8–10: St Andrews, Jackson, MI, Weekend Retreat, Falling Down and Getting Up, (web link)
Dec 8–14: Global Journeys, Guanacaste Costa Rica, Saying Yes to Life: The One Life We’re Given — A Weeklong Retreat. (web link )
Feb 5–10: Modern Elder Academy, Baja, Mexico, Falling Down and Getting Up: Discovering Your Own Resilience and Strength (web link)
2024–2025 Yearlong Journey: 4 Weekends in Kalamazoo, MI, The One Life We’re Given: Finding the Wisdom That Waits in Your Heart (web link)
If you’d like to order Mark’s new book, Falling Done and Getting Up: Discovering Your Inner Resilience and Strength, click here