Debris does not stay in one place
On a fast-running creek.
I hold on to my wounds because
I think caution will save me when,
like a stone tied to a pigeon’s foot,
the weight of all that didn’t work
will only keep me from building
my nest.
Yet, I cannot pretend I was not cut
or left for dead. I must understand
why I let those I loved hurt me. What
treasure did I think they had that was
waiting inside, for me to grow?
A Question to Walk With: This is from my book of poems, The Tone in the Center of the Bell.
Describe your experience of woundedness and how you address what has happened to you while not being trapped there.
- FEB 20–24: Mastery Week: The Call of Your Soul, Weeklong Retreat, The Modern Elder Academy, Mexico, (web link) -
- MAY 19–26: Drinking From the River of Light: The Life of Expression, Weeklong Retreat, Global Journeys, Florence Italy, (web link) -
- For info on Mark’s upcoming events, visit: