We run everywhere
when it’s only the moments
we are stopped that matter.
No matter how we are stopped,
by pain or beauty, by remembering
in the midst of crossing a street in
New York who you are and all
you’ve done for those you love.
No matter if it’s hard to get up.
Just stay down a while longer, so
you can see all the way through.
It’s in the stopped moments that
the music hiding in silence is
If we can carry that music in our
heart, we will become tender.
And once tender, the Universe
can thread the eye of the needle
that is our one and only life.
A Question to Walk With: Describe a time you felt forced to stop and what you learned from finally not moving.
This is from my book of poems, The Half-Life of Angels.
NOV 18–20: Shallowford Family Counseling Center, The One Life We’re Given: Finding the Wisdom That Waits in Your Heart, A Fri-Sat Retreat, Sunday Morning Service Talk, Heartwork: Being a Spirit in the World, ( web link) — IN PERSON
NOV 30: California Institute of Integral Studies, FREE Live Podcast and Conversation between Mark and faculty member Cindy Shearer about Mark’s new book Surviving Storms, 5–6:30PM PST/8–9:30PM EST, ( web link) — ONLINE
DEC 11: Saying Yes to Life! From brokenness to tenderness: A webinar guided by Mark Nepo, Dec 11, 2022 from 1–3pm | 10–12pm EST. In this online webinar, Mark will explore how a life of meaning and love unfolds over time. ( web link) — ONLINE
For more info on Mark’s upcoming events, visit: https://marknepo.com/teaching_schedule.php